Google Analytics

Step #1: Enable your Google Analytics Integration

  1. In Zigpoll: Click Settings -> Manage Integrations -> Enable the Google Analytics Integration.

Thats it. Zigpoll will automatically use the Google Analytics account that you have loaded on each page. We track the following events:

  • When a survey is opened we send an event with Action = Poll Opened

  • When a survey is closed we send an event with Action = Poll Closed

  • When a survey is completed we send an event with Action = Poll Completed

  • When a response is submitted we send an event with Action = Poll Submission

The event labelled Poll Submission gets an extra Event Value. This Event Value is the response that the customer has submitted along with the handle of the poll.

So, for example, if you have a poll with handle post-purchase and the response to a particular question is Very Satisfied you will see the following as the Event Value in Google Analytics: post-purchase : Very Satisfied.

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