
Understand the details for importing data into your existing survey.

Click here to download a sample CSV file.

The columns headers are as follows:

  1. Slide ID. You can get the ID for your slide by going to Apps -> Zigpoll -> Surveys -> Select your survey -> Slides -> Select your slide -> Click the dashboard tab.

  2. shopify_customer_id -> A special header for Shopify customer ids, you can ignore if you don't have them.

  3. shopify_order_id -> A special header for Shopify customer ids, you can ignore if you don't have them.

  4. order_value -> The value of a particular order. This can be ignored if it's not related to a transcation.

Any additional metadata not listed above will be included as metadata for the survey response.

If you need help migrating data and preparing your CSV, please contact us and we will be happy to help!

Last updated